Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

the egg


the narrator; is the son he is the p[erson who has a black side in his life. he always disapoited with his chilhood that only spent thier time in the chicken farm.

the father: he was a cheerful farmhand. he was up thye 35 years old. but unforutnately when he got married. he was change because of her wifw

the mopther: she was the school teacher. but she was quite introphet. and she just like the person who has no wish in her life.

from all the character i like the father character because he was a responsible person. especialiy for his familly. he always try to make her familly happy with all his power

this story had setting in chickhen farm across the railroad station in ohio. i rather dislike it because it was not like what i want. so i cann't use my imagination about that place. and the author doesn't give the detail of the setting time or place so i cann't fell the taste.

the story tell us about some good thing because it tell us how to be a good husband and father. so it will give the advice for all the father. and it use the personification style in sending the story.

the important event in this story is when the father are not able to be a successful person. but he still keep spirit to make thier familly happy.

1 komentar:

heni juniarti mengatakan...

your analyze in this story is good...you can analyze that story with completly....and i can understand with your explanation...